Friday, October 29, 2010

A lovely day in and around Luang Prabang...

After a few weeks of travel i finally broke down and headed for the western-style cafe complete with air conditioning and a white chocolate ice coffee!

We headed across the Mekong to watch the boat races and made some new friends:

This man sells ice:

My favorite photo so far... click to enlarge:

The competitive boat racing on the Mekong.  The following evening are the ceremonial boats on the river...

Teens watching the racing...

Heading back to town...

This woman is preparing floating marigold boats for the full moon festival.  Each person buys a flower boat, says a prayer and floats it on the river at the full moon... more on that in the next post!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My first day in the enchanting town of Luang Prabang, Laos...

This is my home for the next month.  Laos is the only landlocked country in southeast Asia.  In 1996, the town of Luang Prabang was declared a world heritage site by the UN. This is my first view of the Mekong River from my flight from Bangkok: 

Kenny is one of the coordinators and guides.  We grabbed a free boat  and floated around where the Nam Khong and Mekong rivers converge.

Monks at the riverside:

This is the most magical, surreal place I have even been to on the planet.  The town was occupied by the French in the 19th century so there is a seamless blend of Asian and French styles in the architecture and the cuisine.

These monks are creating a ceremonial boat for one of the counties largest holidays, a boat festival that happens on the full-moon at the end of the rainy season.  (More on that to follow!)

When I was in Thailand the temples felt more like museums but here I literally fell to my knees and prayed; buddhism is so potent and alive here...

The Mekong at sunset on my first day... sipping 50 cent fruit shakes...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baan Phu Lae Bungalows on Ko Lanta Island

This was by far my favorite place to stay so far... and only $18 per night!:  Baan Phu Lae

The view from my thatched bungalow where I was feet from the crashing waves that lulled me to sleep:

Ao Mai Pai beach... totally secluded at the very souther tip of Ko Lanta, this beautiful beach had only one other establishment on the beach.

The lounging deck:

My daily indulgence: mango and pineapple smoothies.

Easily the best Pad Thai I have ever had, wrapped in an egg omelet.  (Reading Bangkok 8... thanks, Terry!)

A hike into the Ko Lanta National Park and Ao Mai Pai bay behind.  The little thatched hut over my shoulder on the beach is Baan Phu Lae:


Saturday night we all went to the "Why Not?" Bar... a laid back Thai Tiki bar whgere the local Thais sang covers of western pop songs in their thing melodic accents.

The "Why Not Bar?" Slogan:
Most people see the world as it is and ask Why?
We see the world as it isn't and ask Why Not?

A typical local family at home:

A roadside Muslim pad thai eatery:

My first wild elephant encounter.

Rocks & Rastas in Railay

This is West Railay Beach.  I headed to Railey after Ko Phi Phi and it was a much more relaxed and less crowded place with amazing rock formations. Railay is part of the mainland of the Krabi region but it is only accessible by boat so I felt as if I were on an island.  Here I am with my backpack getting ready to traverse the rocks at low tide to Hat Ton Sai beach which was even more remote and where I laid my hat for a few nights... 

I climber to the cliffs above Railay near a clifftop lagoon and got this great shot that shows Railiay East (near), and then Railay West and Ao Ton Sai in the distance.

A backroad to Ao Ton Sai:

My tree-top bungalow in Ao Ton Sai... by far the best accommodation I've stayed in and only US$12 per night!

My furry friend who stayed with me all four days during my stay:

 Yes, this is me rocking climbing 100 feet up a 6A sheer rockface in East Railay... my first day rock climbing ever...  it was super hard and very confidence building.


A cave shrine to a local princess at Railay's signauture beach: Hat Phra Nang


Discontent?  (Actually this little guy was only yawning in this shot but it sure looks like he's upset!)

The beach at Ao Ton Sai:

Ao Ton Sai was one Tiki Rasta bar after another....

The hosts of Chill Out Bar, Ao Ton Sai:

And dessert: Thai crepe with mango, pinaplle, banana and nutella for $1.50!