Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lao barbeque and a serious trip to the hospital...

My friend Tock prepares my favorite meal here: Lao barbeque.  Red hot coals are placed in the center of the table and then a bowl of raw greens, sprouts, tomatoes, uncooked noodles, raw egg, meat and meat fat are brought to the table.  An aluminum domed tray is placed on top of the coals.  Here Tock placed a piece of meat fat on top of the tray to begin the meal. 

Broth is added to the troth at the edge of the tray.  The meat is cooked on the domed area and then the veggies and noodles are cooked in the broth.  Finally, raw egg is poured over the troth and left to cook. Fresh, delicious and cooked right at the table!

Here are a few pictures of the local market.  I love being here for a month.  This is a market very few westerners ever venture to on their short stays...

All day long this woman waves a stick with a plastic bag attached over her fish to keep the flies away.

Last - but certainly not least - I got really sick my second week here.  I am all smiles in this photo but I was actually quite a mess with symptoms exactly like Dengue Fever which many westerners fall ill to here.  It's a serious illness and two other volunteers here had just fallen ill so I went in for a blood test.  I did not have Dengue and just treated myself for a common cold.  I also switched my anti-malaria meds which had really affected my mood and dreams. I was back to my normal self in a matter of three days.  (Hence my delayed blog posts...)

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