Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To the Temples with the kids of ODA

Saturday was my first free day here in Siem Reap, Cambodia so I was excited to see the temples. ODA - the orphanage where I am teaching - is located on the parkland grounds where the temples are located.  One of the sites is less an 1/8th of as mile away (a very short walk) and Angkor Wat - one of the wonders of the world - is less than 2 kilometers away. Yet, most of the kids had never seen the temples.  So I made three trips on Saturday to different temple sites, taking a total of 14 kids to the temples for their first time... 

We climbed and climbed and climbed... and the children laughed and said in Khmer: "It's so high, I'm scared."  But then they'd laugh and giggle with delight...

To see the children pray here at a temple of their ancestors for the first time was very moving...

Here the children giggled as they enjoyed the echo of one of the temple's chambers by beating their chests!

This day was very special to me.  To share with a child their own heritage is a privilege and a joy.  

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