Monday, November 8, 2010

Tad Se Waterfalls... UNBELIEVABLE!

These waterfalls were truly the most beautiful I have ever seen:  The water seemed to just emerge from the lush emerald forest; the water was a tropical turqoise, the temperature perfect and the rocks stuck to my feet making it incredibly easy to climb the sand-colored mounds.

On the way home we depart by small long-tail boats around the bend and then a thrilling motorcycle ride through valleys of sticky rice and pineapple fields.

I loved it here so much that I came back a week later (behind on my entries!) and we kayaked all the way back to Luang Prabang.  And finished the trip dripping wet after a massive toss!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chi
    the photos in the waterfalls are just superb ! What a superb guy !
    best regards
