Thursday, November 11, 2010

My FAVORITE Luang Prabang moment... meeting Kam

Today Kenny took me to the temple where he was a Monk (novice) for 5 years.  Temples are called a "Wat" and the monks live on the property communally. 

I invite you to experience this blog post as if in this moment you are meditating in the room you see below.  Stop the other things you are doing.  Go slowly through these images.  Soak up the images and ideas you are about to experience.  Take your time here...  

These are the monks robes that are hung out to dry...

Kam was kind enough to show me his living space.  He's been a monk for 7 years now and is  deeply spiritual and insightful at the age of 19.

The walls in his room are filled with his original writings which I have documented below.  Take some time and read what he has written and was so gracious to allow me to share with the world.  You can click on the image to enlarge it.  Soak these in slowly...

(I did...wonderful!)

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