Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Below are my favorite moments in Malaysia & Singapore in December 2010.  This is a synopsis of each leg of my journey so below each picture (or set of pics) is a link to the blog page that gives more details of a particular place and time... I hope you'll click on the links and enjoy these unforgettable moments of the last three months.

Ahhhhhh... gorgeous Langkawi, Malaysia with my fun Malay friend Rayda...

Taking flight...

A day of giggling with new island friends that was joyously therapeutic... with the most amazing view in Asia.

Discovering the most beautiful beach in SE Asia...

Making amazing friends on Langkawi...

A blissful first-class train trip...

The soaring, luxurious skyscrapers of Kuala Lumpur and a thrilling Malay dance performance...

Exploring Singapore with my fab friend Sri: dancing and Chinatown...

Then a day of play and rest at Asia's most popular playground...

With one of the most delicious Indian meals and a heart-felt chat about life...

Strolling and catching up with my dear old friend, Elisabetta...

Exploring the coolest rooftop playgrounds in the world...

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