Thursday, December 16, 2010

Discovering Langkawi, Malaysia...

My original plans after Cambodia were to head back to Thailand for 10 days or travels and beach rest.  But as i read more about Thailand in december and the hordes of people filling the beaches, I decided to go a bit off the beaten path ... and I am son glad I discovered Langkawi, Malaysia!  

I forgot to take photos of the place where I stayed byt their website is so cute, so take a quick peek:

Here is the sunset on my first evening at the beach...

Then I went island hopping!


I am so happy I came to Langkawi.  The beach you see below was almost exactly like the world-famous Bamboo Island near Ko Phi Phi in Thailand.  But when I visited Bamboo Island (even in the low season) it was jam-packed full of tourists.  This island was as pristine and there were only a handful of visitors... heaven!

I met a new friend Rayda who is studying tourism and he showed me around Langkawi... we had great fun laughing and enjoying the island.

The boat stopped and fed the eagles...

Langkawi is an awesome destination, with civilized government and the kindest people I have met in all of Asia...

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