Thursday, December 23, 2010

Two Feet on The Ground, Heart Wide Open

I have just rolled out of my own bed in New York for the first time in three months.  I am home and bursting with gratitude for all that I have experienced on my journey through Asia.   Thank you to all my friends in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore.  And a special thank you to my friends at home who supported my journey.  

This blog is titled Asia Teach Chi and, indeed, Asia continues to move in my psyche, deepening my view of the world and of myself.  With a nod to eternal youth, here are 29 things I have learned (or have been reminded of) about living a long, happy life...  I hope these pictures and words bless you on your journey.

Explore the world... it is a magical place

There is no place like home

Do what you love;  I am happiest when I am teaching

Make wonderful friends wherever you go

Before take a photo, should memorize view in your mind

Follow your gut instincts

Know when to say, "No, thank you"

A little bit of money can go a long, long way

Be grateful for this amazing life

Meet new people and ask them lots of questions

Slow down; Being leisurely does wonders for the psyche

When you slow down, life unravels at your feet

There is nothing more therapeutic than giggling for no reason at all

Clean bathrooms bring great joy

Never take your health for granted

Take time to pray in whatever way works for you

Trust your life and where it takes you

The rarest of beauty is in the details

Be fascinated by people

Challenging oneself is always rewarding

Cherish your friendships

Sometimes the simplest of gestures can affect you deeply

Proper letters are under-rated these days

Speak sincerely and share from your heart

Take time to step away from life and ask the big questions

Extraordinary people begin with a clear intention

The greatest privilege of being alive is to be remembered

Amazing things happen when you say "yes"

Jumping begins with two feet on the ground and a heart wide open

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