Monday, December 20, 2010

Up to the Top of the KL Towers

Kuala Lumpur boasts the tallest twin towers in the world and I went to the top.  A friend on Langkwai turned out to be the international spokesperson for Petronas Oil Company so I was lucky enough to get free tickets... 

This is the little bridge you see in the photo above... only 30 people are allowed on the bridge at a time.

KL is sprawling...

After the Petronas Twin Towers i headed to the KL Tower which is the needle shaped tower you can see behind the second twin tower.

The blue roofed building is the national theatre which could be seen from the towers.  I wish I could have had time to visit there...

Every building has prayer rooms...

After the KL tower I was treated to a free performance of beautiful Malay dance...

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